daily announcements

Today is Wednesday, December 4, 2019, and it is a Day 3. 

LUNCHToday for lunch we’re having Grilled Cheese with Homemade Chicken Soup.

MIDTERM:  This Friday is midterm for the second quarter.  Please make sure all work is in on time.

NJHS CANNED FOOD DRIVE:  The NJHS members will be hosting a canned food drive.  Donations will be collected from now until December 20th.  Please look for the Polar Express Train in the Cafeteria.  Thank you!

GRADE 7 WELLNESS CLASSES:  Mr. Fallon’s 7th grade Wellness classes will meet in their large group room today.

GRADE 8 WELLNESS CLASSES:  Mr. Fallon’s 8th grade Wellness classes will meet in their large group room today.

Thank you and have a great day!