daily announcements

Today is Thursday, December 5, 2019, and it is a Day 4. 

LUNCHToday for lunch we’re having Chicken Fajita Wrap.

BASKETBALL TRYOUTS TONIGHT FOR 8TH GRADE GIRLS:   Hull High Girls Basketball has an opportunity for 8th grade girls to play on the high school team.  A parent meeting and tryout will be held tonight at the Jacobs School.  The parent meeting will be at 6:40 p.m. outside the gym and the tryout will start at 7:00 p.m. in the gym.  Any child trying out must bring a copy of their latest physical, within 13 months, or they will not be allowed to participate in the tryout.

LARAMIE PROJECTAny students interested in being part of Laramie Project for the spring play and festival competition should attend an informational meeting on Monday, December 9th, at 3:00 p.m. following any additional strike of Elf.  A presentation of the film version will be presented after the meeting and any interested student may attend that as well.  Don’t forget to get your tickets for Elf this weekend!  Buy in advance and skip the line at the door.  See the posters in the hallways for more info.

MIDTERM:  This Friday is midterm for the second quarter.  Please make sure all work is in on time.

NJHS CANNED FOOD DRIVE:  The NJHS members will be hosting a canned food drive.  Donations will be collected from now until December 20th.  Please look for the Polar Express Train in the Cafeteria.  Thank you!

GRADE 7 WELLNESS CLASSES:  Mr. Fallon’s 7th grade Wellness classes will meet in their large group room today.

GRADE 8 WELLNESS CLASSES:  Mr. Fallon’s 8th grade Wellness classes will meet in their large group room today.

Thank you and have a great day!