Get to know the PTO - Hull's Parent Teacher Organization


What does the Hull Parent Teacher Organization do for my child?

The Hull Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is made up of parents and teachers working together to enhance students’ education at Hull Public Schools. You are an important part of the Hull PTO.

The PTO supports every student, from kindergarten through high school, by raising funds to sponsor year-round events at all three Hull Public Schools. We support educational activities and items including: class field trips, in-school cultural programs, books, special guests and speakers, after-school and enrichment opportunities, technology in the classroom and more.

How can I support the PTO?

Financial Support

The PTO financially supports these activities through active fundraising and direct donations. Our fundraising goal for the 2018-2019 school year is to raise $50,000, or approximately $50 per student. Each year, the PTO plans several fundraisers to support this goal and we ask that you, your family, and friends participate in as many as possible. If a direct contribution is a better choice for your family, please donate directly to PTO through our website at or complete the donation form on the back of this page. Contributions of every size are appreciated!

Volunteer Support

PTO meetings are open to all Hull parents, guardians, teachers, and community members and are a great way to share your ideas, comments, suggestions, and to find volunteer opportunities to fit your schedule and/or skill set! Meetings are held at 7:00pm at the Memorial Middle School in the Seventh Grade Large Group Room. Meetings are 60-90 minutes long and free babysitting is provided by MMS NHS members. Additionally, annual PTO dues are $10 and give you the opportunity to vote on funding requests presented at our monthly meetings. Become a member at!

The 2018-2019 meetings are scheduled for: September 17, October 9, November 13, December 11, January 8, February 12, March 12, April 9, May 14 and June 11.

Getting involved in the PTO can be done without attending meetings and accommodates various schedules. Watch for requests to help the PTO via school email and social media communications, sign up at the PTO table at upcoming Open Houses, or share your request to help by emailing If you are involved, you know what’s happening at school and that makes you a better, stronger advocate for your child. You can make a difference!

Stay current!

Follow our website at to receive: news, helpful notices, reminders, and updates. Like us on Facebook ( and follow us on Twitter (@HullMAPTO).  Questions?  Contact us at

Thank you for joining us in giving all Hull Public School students access to the best education possible!

Hull PTO Board of Directors

Executive Officers--Amy Hyde, Molly Nunes, Madeline Rys, Caryn O’Connor, Carolyn Reynolds
School Representatives--Jacobs Elementary: Aleeza Hagerty, Renee Kiley, Briana McAuliffe, Laurie McDowell, Allison Peterson; Memorial Middle: Marilyn Capuzzo, Sharon Striglio, Lynn Strong; Hull High: Linda Alexander, Jenna Gleason

Support Hull PTO

YES, I want to support the students and teachers at Hull Public Schools this year! A donation of at least $50 per student will help us reach our goal of $50,000 to support all HPS students. 

All contributions help! Please give what you can-–a gift of any amount will be appreciated! Donations can be made online at Hull PTO is a 501(c)(3) organization and all gifts are tax-deductible. For your records, our tax identification number is 47-2607517.