Meal pick-up will be available for all ​​​​​​​Jacobs School Students

Meal pick-up will be available for all
Jacobs School Students at

Memorial Middle School
81 Central Ave.
(Lower door in the front of building)
Between 10:00am & 11:00am

With the news of the Jacobs School going all remote through February 7th, we want to insure that all students are offered breakfast and lunch daily.  Meals can be picked up on Mondays and Wednesdays at Memorial School at the times noted above.

Although it is not required, it would help the staff with the meal planning, if you could sign up using the link below, if you plan to pick-up meals on either day or both days.

Click this link and choose the “Jacobs Remote option”

If you have any other questions or concerns please contact me at 781-925-4400 X1112 or by email