

As you know, Jacobs Elementary School started new social emotional learning program called "Toolbox."

We created this tab so students and parents can access the following:

  •  A presentation to review the tools you/your children have been taught so far
  •  Links to 2 videos that teach the next 2 tools which are called,  the "Garbage Can" and "Taking Time" tools

Philosophy of Toolbox:

The basic idea behind the tools is that they are all 12 capacities/skills that we have already inside of us and that any person of any age can use their tools. It is an inquiry based approach where we always want to ask the students which tool they would like to use/practice rather than telling them to use a certain tool.

The coach, who teaches the tools to our class is Ms. Sheflin, one of our amazing adjustment counselors!

After learning a tool at school, we color in a paper copy of the the tool, laminate it, and put it on our lanyards at school. We can wear our lanyards all day (except during recess) to remind us to use our tools whenever we may need them.

It is Ms. Sheflin's and my hope that you are able to access your tools at home, even without your lanyards.  Perhaps you even share them with your families.  I find myself using my breathing and personal space tools daily now that we are all home together! 


Here are the links for our new tools! 
Garbage Can Tool
Taking Time Tool

Please take time to view the attachment below