Grade 3

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3rd Grade

Please make sure that your student wears comfortable clothing and sneakers on GYM days. It is extremely important for their safety.

We are currently focusing on our foot striking skills by playing soccer! Students have been dribbling a soccer with their feet at different speeds around the gym, they have tried to steal each other’s soccer balls safely, and just finished up passing a soccer ball and trapping it to a partner. Students started playing Wall-Ball soccer games to work on defending their large goal as a team, and participating in small 2v2 and 3v3 soccer scrimmages. Students will finish their unit with small sided games using nets in the gym as the goals. 

At the end of April 3rd graders will perform in a practice FitnessGram test.  FitnessGram is a fitness test done twice a year in grades 4-12 at Hull Public Schools.  I am using the practice as a way to introduce the test to the students, so come September in 4th grade they are familiar with it.  The test includes a running cardiovascular endurance test, push and curl up muscular endurance test, and a lower body flexibility test.  The goal is for students to do their best and to use this as a check in for their overall health, and for me as a teacher to see what fitness areas students are stronger and possibly need improvement in.