Social Studies

I Have a Dream

Every week I will assign articles in Readworks that will pertain to the curriculum standards that we are covering. Each homeroom will need the following information to log in:

Enter into the url address bar: www.

                                     Classroom Code                                    Password

McCarthy                   WPBK3V                                                 1234

Mellyn                         7CCLD3                                                  1234

King                            2J3SJQ                                                   1234


March 30th, 2020

Happy Monday! I am writing to touch base and to provide work that can be completed this week for both Science and Social Studies. First of all, please know that I miss you all very much. While the scientist in me knows that social distancing is the right thing to do, the teacher in me is heart-broken, as it simply isn't the same without you in front of me. I hope all of you are doing well and that your family units are healthy.This week I have provided some new articles for you to read on ReadWorks. These articles cover the American Revolution and forms of government for Social Studies, and Climate and the Planet Earth for Science. I am also providing you some information from the Mount Washington Observatory that you can investigate. It looks quite informative and interesting.

Please remember to write anywhere from 5-15 minutes a day in your green journal that I gave you before you left the school. This is an important part of your learning.

 More than anything I want to share the importance of being the best independent learner that you can be during this unprecedented time in our Country's history. This situation is unlike anything we have experienced. These are times of uncertainty and these are times of enormous change. However, my experience is that these are the conditions that bring out the best in our humanity. We are an incredibly resilient species, filled with great capacity for overcoming challenges and obstacles put before us. In times like this, we must each do our part so that together we can effectively overcome the adversity placed upon us.  Please remember to do the academic tasks before you so that you continue to be the best student that you can be during this unique learning module. 


Additional resource for enrichment learning: